OIDC Identity Providers

Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s cloud-based IAM service. It provides identity and access management capabilities for Azure resources, Microsoft 365 applications, and various third-party applications. Azure AD enables organizations to manage user identities, control access, and enforce security policies across cloud and hybrid environments.

Auth0 is an identity platform that provides authentication and authorization solutions for applications, APIs, and devices. It offers features like SSO, social login, multi-factor authentication, and identity management. Auth0 helps developers simplify identity management and add secure authentication to their applications.

Ping Identity provides IAM solutions that enable secure access to applications, APIs, and resources. Their platform offers capabilities like single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, and API security. Ping Identity helps organizations manage user identities, ensure regulatory compliance, and enhance user experiences.

OneLogin is a cloud-based IAM and single sign-on provider that simplifies access management for businesses. It offers features such as SSO, multi-factor authentication, user provisioning, and directory integration. OneLogin streamlines user authentication and access to applications, ensuring secure and efficient user management.

Okta is an identity and access management (IAM) platform that offers secure single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication, and user lifecycle management. It enables organizations to manage user identities, control access to applications and resources, and enhance security. Okta’s cloud-based IAM solution helps businesses improve productivity, ensure compliance, and protect their sensitive data. Learn More